5 Things to Consider Before Installing a Sump Pump

Sometimes when it rains, it pours. And when it pours that rain can make it’s way into your basement causing major flooding damage that can be frustrating and a hassle to remedy. You may have heard the term sump pump before when talking about basements in homes flooding. But – what is is and is it something you need for your home?

What is a Sump Pump?

A sump pump is a device that can prevent flooding in your home collecting water before it gets into your home. Having one installed can help prevent a build-up of water and ultimately prevent water damage, flooding, and structural damage.

Is a Sump Pump Necessary?

There are many factors that can cause your home to flood during stormy weather: a sloped yard, having dense soil that doesn’t allow for water to flow away from your property, or a damaged foundation to name a few. And while wet weather may not always lead to a flooded basement you may want to consider the following when evaluating if a sump pump is the right solution for you:

1. What Type of Soil is on Your Property?

There are three types of soil you may find in your yard: clay, silt, and sand. Clay soil has the highest water holding capacity, while silt is the next highest, followed by sand with the least. The type of soil surrounding your foundation matters because the soil type determines the efficiency of water drainage during heavy rain or snow. If the soil traps or pools water, it can lead to moisture build-up and damage. Typically, if you have clay or silt soil, you might need a sump pump to help keep the water moving.

2. Does Your Yard Slope Toward the House?

If your lawn slopes down toward your home, then water could flow toward your foundation and into your basement. If so, a sump pump would be effective for trapping any water that has come into your home. The sump pump would then direct this moisture out of the basement to keep your home dry.

3. How Common is Flooding in Your Area?

If you live in an area that gets frequent snow storms or a lot of rain, then it is important to be prepare your home for the possibility of a large amount of water entering your basement. Beyond knowing the weather patterns in your area, it is also beneficial to know whether or not your basement floor is located below the water table. You can check your county’s flood zone map to ensure that your property is not located in a flood zone.

4. Have You Already Encountered Basement Water Damage?

If your basement has had flooding or water damage in the past, chances are it will happen again. Installing a sump pump would help to prevent another headache like that again.

5. How Often Do Sump Pumps Need to Be Replaced?

Sump pumps can typically last about ten years. But, if it has been actively pumping water, it may need to be replaced sooner. It’s important to have one of our professionals come out and diagnose possible sump pump issues.

Contact Dry Basement

While waterproofing your basement, we suggest that you take a look at our Basement Magic remodeling systems to see how Dry Basement® can transform your basement.

For more information or to schedule a basement inspection and evaluation, contact us to schedule an appointment. We have a large service area covering Kansas City, Des Moines, Columbus, and Wichita. Find out if we can waterproof your basement today!