Waterproofing Your Basement Window Replacements

Basement renovations are becoming more prevalent as homeowners are looking to maximize the space in their home. One of the biggest ways you can transform a basement space is to install new windows. Windows will help to let more natural light into your space, making it feel more warm and inviting instead of dark and dank.

But, you want to ensure that when you are replacing your basement windows that they are waterproofed to keep your basement dry. Let’s look at some tips to ensure that your basement stays dry after the installation.

Window Wells

Window wells are used to help block moisture from ground-level windows by draining water away from the window. They are typically made of corrugated metal or heavy-duty plastic. When installing, a professional will know how to find the correct size for your window. Sometimes a window well is not deep enough or is not wide enough to fit the window size correctly, which can cause leaking into your basement. Once installed, you will need to maintain your window well by keeping it free of debris, adding gravel to help with water drainage, and consider installing a window well cover.


When installing or repairing basement windows, it is vital to make sure the caulk around the outside of the window is applied appropriately and the correct type of caulk is used. This is a vital first step in combating a leaky basement window. The seal around a casement window deteriorates over time and requires replacement. A special silicone latex-based caulk specifically made to withstand inclement weather is the proper caulk to use when sealing a basement window.

Downspouts and Gutters

Often when there are basement moisture issues, it doesn’t seem intuitive to look up to find the solution to your problems. However, clogged gutters and downspouts are a common cause of basement leaks. Often, water from blocked gutters can flow directly toward your basement window. You will want to make sure that you are cleaning your gutters regularly to prevent from clogs. Another tips is to point your downspouts away from the house and on a downward slope away from your basement, so the water isn’t anywhere near a window that could easily leak.

Grading of your Property

As referenced above, if the slope of the ground around your home is going inward, water will flow toward your house and can pool near windows and in the window wells. This will break down on the current waterproofing measures you are already taking causing more frequent fixes and water damage in your basement. In order to evaluate the grade, it’s best to get a professional opinion from a basement waterproofing company.

Egress windows are vital to the safety of your home and to bring your basement up to code to be claimed as a proper living area. When talking to your basement professional, you will want to ensure that they are taking all the steps necessary to keep your new basement windows waterproof.

Contact us!

Contact Dry Basement today to find out more about how we can keep your basement dry and your basement replacement windows from leaking.