During these cold winter months, the midwest experiences a lot of ice, rain, snow, freezing, and melting. Moist conditions can severely impact the integrity of your home, especially if coming from your crawl space.

The crawl space is typically that empty space that keeps your home from resting on the ground as well as provides shelter for wiring conduit and plumbing. The problems that arise with the crawl space are that one, often they are not properly sealed and two, most owners don’t enter or even think about the crawl space since there is not enough overhead space to allow walking.

Because of this, the space can easily become damp and humid during the winter without anyone knowing. The consequences, however, can be detrimental to the structure of your home. If damp conditions aren’t improved, it can cause:

 Since the airflow in your home generally spreads upwards, whatever might be in your crawl space can travel throughout your house, such as mold spores and odors. If animals have access to the crawl space, they may try to travel upstairs for warmth and food. Dampness can also weaken the strength of the beams and joints on which your house rests on, becoming a serious danger to those inside.

So, as a homeowner, what actions can you take to prevent water in your crawl space?  Dry Basement®Foundation Repair has gathered a few useful suggestions.

5 Steps to a Dry Crawl Space

1. Inspect Your Crawl Space

2. Clean Out Gutters

3. Close Crawl Space Air Vents

4. Encapsulate Your Crawl Space

5. Install a Dehumidifier

Thinking about protecting your crawl space from moisture? Contact Dry Basement® Foundation Repair to schedule a crawl space inspection and evaluation. We have offices in Kansas City, MO in Des Moines, IA and in Wichita, KS.